Nine Easy Ways to Build a Strong Estate PlanOctober - November - December 2017 How a Marital Bypass Trust May Save Thousands in TaxesJuly - August - September 2016 Why Do You Need to Know About Revocable Living Trusts?July - August - September 2016 Default Estate Plans in Malaysia May Not Please SurvivorsPlanned Giving to HHE CharitiesJanuary - February - March 2016 New Info-Tech Fund to Help Monks With IT FinancingOctober - November - December 2015 Death & Dying: Preparations for TransitionJuly - August - September 2015 Estate Planning in the United Kingdom?Durable Power of Attorney: When You Do Need to Give Others Control of Your PropertyJanuary - February - March 2015 Three Distinct Types of Fund Raising: Annual Gifts, Major Gifts and Planned GiftsOctober - November - December 2014 Community Property and Joint Tenancy: Why it Matters How You Hold PropertyJuly - August - September 2014 Why the All-Important Will Is Only One Part of Your Complete Estate Planning PackageAnnual Ganesha Blessing Ceremony for Students in MauritiusJanuary - February - March 2014 Hindu Advocacy Group Celebrates a Decade of ServiceOctober - November - December 2013 An Advance Health Care Directive Saves Family GriefJuly - August - September 2013 Ways of Giving that Don’t Tax Your FinancesCanada Law Dictates a Will for Those Who Did not Leave OneJanuary - February - March 2013 Digital Dharma Fund Helps Sustain Monastery WebsitesOctober - November - December 2012 Tale of Two Siblings Shows Choice of Trustee Is CrucialJuly - August - September 2012 What Do You Need to Know About Revocable Living Trusts?Honoring Grandfather & Supporting a Temple in LankaJanuary - February - March 2012 Floods Lay Bare the Plight of Pakistan's HindusOctober - November - December 2011 Panchangam Endowment FundJuly - August - September 2011 Hinduism Today Production FundSaivite Hindu Scriptural Fund for the Visually ImpairedJanuary - February - March 2011 West Texas Hindus Create an HHE EndowmentOctober - November - December 2010 Volunteer's Tale of Two Visits to a Malaysian OrphanageJuly - August - September 2010 Mother of Three Creates Fund For Positive DisciplineAn Estate Planning Toolkit to Benefit You, Iraivan Temple & Other Worthy CausesJanuary - February - March 2010 Answered Prayers and Dietary Change Inspire Dr. Nigel Siva's Two Endowment FundsOctober - November - December 2009 Hindu American Foundation Makes Vivid Case for SupportJuly - August - September 2009 Ramanathaswamy Temple Cleaning FundPriest's Fund Supports Satguru's Malaysia TravelJanuary - February - March 2009 Fund Honoring Late Wife Gives Solace to HusbandOctober - November - December 2008 Fund to benefit Hindu charities in MalaysiaJuly - August - September 2008 Fund Allows Son to Honor Bangladeshi DadSaivite Tamil Foundation: A fund to benefit children and the elderlyJanuary - February - March 2008 Bharatiya Ekta Mandir of Arizona EndowmentOctober - November - December 2007 New Fund Ensures Spiritual Future of Murugan Temple of North AmericaJuly - August - September 2007 Karnataka Temple Development Fund: USA Doctor Gives Legacy For Village of His YouthCharitable Trust for Hinduism Today is a Win-Win for Professor & WifeJanuary - February - March 2007 Siva Poomi School Trust FundOctober - November - December 2006 Planned Giving to HHE Charities: What is planned giving?July - August - September 2006 The Hindu Literature FundHindu Heritage Endowment---A Complete List of FundsJanuary - February - March 2006 Yogaswami Hindu Girls' Home at Sittandy FundOctober - November - December 2005 New Kauai Aadheenam Yagam FundJuly - August - September 2005 New Himalayan Academy Book Distribution FundSwami Vipulananta Children's Home EndowmentJanuary - February - March 2005 Complete List of Endowment FundsOctober - November - December 2004 Karnataka Temple Development Fund; Sri Ganesha Hindu Temple of Utah FundJuly - August - September 2004 Taos Hanuman Fund; Saivite Hindu Scriptural Fund for the Visually Impaired; Kauai Aadheenam Art and Artifacts FundSwami Agnivesh Endowment; Kerala Temple Trust Fund; Udayan Care, New Delhi; Kapaleeshwara Temple Orphanage; Pazhassi Balamandiram, Kerala; Kashi Visweswaraswamy Temple Fund; Puri MonasteriesJanuary - February - March 2004 The Murugan Temple of North America Pillaiyar Shrine Fund; Yalpanam Nallur and Kathirkamam Festival at Murugan Temple of North America; The Kashi Visweswaraswamy Temple FundOctober - November - December 2003 THE FOUNDER'S INTRODUCTIONJuly - August - September 2003 SRI LANKA ENDOWMENTS ACTIVITYINDIA ENDOWMENTS ACTIVITYJanuary - February - March 2003 Pooled Income FundOctober - November - December 2002 Malaysia Endowment ActivityJuly - August - September 2002 Sri Lanka Endowments ActivitiesIndia Endowment ActivityUdayan CarePooled Income FundMalaysia Endowment Activities; Memorial FundsSri Lanka Endowment Activity; Support Hinduism In your HomelandSwami Agnivesh Endowment Fund; True Versus Quasi EndowmentMISSION STATEMENTHindu Heritage Endowment is a publicly supported, charitable organization recognized as tax exempt by the IRS on April 22, 1994. Employer ID 99-0308924. Founded by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, its philanthropic mission is to provide secure, professionally managed financial support for institutions and religious leaders of all lineages of Sanatana Dharma. PROFESSIONAL ADVISORSHalbert/Hargrove, Investment Counsel; Sonoda & Isara, LLP, CPA. HHE is a member of the Council on Foundations, an association of more than 2,000 foundations which interprets relevant law and management and investment principles, and of the National Committee on Planned Giving, the voice and professional resource for the gift planning community. I want to participate. Where should I Send My Donation? You may send your gift to an existing fund, create a new Endowment or request information through the address below. Donations may be made online at or use the HHE tear-out card in the HINDUISM TODAY magazine to join our family of benefactors who are Strengthening Hinduism Worldwide. Thank you. |
Provides funds for the multitude of digital resources offered by Himalayan Academy
Provides for the care, feeding and medical needs of the cows
Provides funds for the improvement of this California temple
Provides funds for the maintenance and improvement of this Arizona temple
Provide funds for the maintenance of the Bharati Yoga Dhama in Mysore, India