Newsletter Archives

Malaysia Endowment Activities

July - August 2001 Newsletter

Swami with child

The Malaysian Hindu Youth Educational Trust was created by Kuala Lumpur attorney Arjunan Subramaniam in 1996. The trust funds the free distribution of the Saivite Hindu Religion Children’s Course--published by Himalayan Academy--making the texts available to Malaysia’s Hindu children to the greatest extent possible. To date hundreds of copies have been distributed throughout Malaysia. The most recent event took place last February when Yoginathaswami gave copies to a number of children at a ceremony in Ipoh (photo). The HHE fund is #16 with a balance of $10,449.26.

Manjung Orphanage

In February, 2001 a grant of MR. 760 was given to the Manjung Hindu Sabha Orphanage Fund of Sitiawan in northern Malaysia. It is the first grant the orphanage has received and helps to support a group of 21 boys and girls, ages two to fourteen, who reside at the orphanage. Some of the children are not orphans but victims of neglect and abuse. They attend public school and take tuition classes for extra lessons. Religious activities include daily prayers, temple attendance once a week and on all festival days, plus religious classes on weekends. Monthly outings or picnics are held. Hindu homes are visited from time to time, and during hospital visitations the kids uplift the ailing. The staff, who play the part of parents to these young ones, have been working hard to make life bloom for them. It is fund #53 with a current balance of $9,530.32. Please help build this worthy endowment.

Memorial Funds

Establishing a memorial fund at Hindu Heritage Endowment in addition to honoring a deceased loved one can provide permanent financial support to the loved one’s favorite Hindu institutions or perhaps a temple in the town in which they were raised, an orphanage they supported, a swami’s ashram they regularly frequented. Through HHE’s unique global reach, the beneficiary institutions can be in any country globally. Two of our current memorial funds are described below.

The Sundari Peruman Memorial Fund was started by Markandeya and Ravi Peruman--husband and son of Sundari--both now living in California. The Fund welcomes donations from anyone who loved or admired Sundari Peruman. This endowment is dedicated to teaching Hindu children in America about their religion. Another memorial fund is the A. Shanmugam Family Fund which was created by Bala Shanmugam of Ipoh, Malaysia, in honor of his father. To establish the fund, Bala was joined by his mother, Sambugardevi, and other members of the family. This endowment gives a yearly grant to the Abirami Amman Temple at Thirukadaiyur, South India, and in turn the temple performs an archana on each full moon day.

Recent Contributions

Kauai Aadheenam Monastic Endowment
Vinaya Alahan $500.00
Kanda Chelvarajah 45.79
Chellappa Deva 242.00
Gunasekaran Kandasamy 104.58
Total 892.37
Iraivan Temple Endowment
Paul Yogananda DeSantis 540.00
John Wayne Strickling 33.00
Other Donations 29,228.67
Total 29,318.54
Kauai Aadheenam Annual Archana Fund
Vanadeva Doorgiat 11.11
Gopiladeva Doorgiat 17.59
Other Contributions 56.87
Total 85.57
Hinduism Today Distribution Fund
Rathi Devi Batumallah 105.00
Veerasamy Batumallah 90.00
Chellappa Deva 229.70
Balu Devado 80.00
James Jay Devlin 90.00
Ravindra Doorgiat 137.04
Saroja Devi Doorgiat 34.26
Chitravelloo Gunasegaran 179.48
Starr Barrie-Hull 244.00
Diksha Katir 437.20
Ushadevi Katir 614.70
Amravaddee Kownden 44.45
Malini Kumar 54.00
Sivakumaran S/O Kurunathan 108.62
Thavamalar Lingam 39.51
Alistair McElwee 200.00
Sivasubramaniam Mahendran 65.35
Kartikeyen Manick 74.12
Prem N. Mehrotra 586.00
Manmohan Mittal 132.00
Jayaluxmee Mooroogen 14.82
Nithyananthan Moorthy 110.50
Logadasan Murugesu 219.92
Madhu Narayanan 100.00
Nalakini Niranjana 132.00
K. Nithyananthan 92.33
Nishant Lakshmaiah Peruri 60.00
Parthasaraphi Rajagopalan 104.00
Marilyn Reid 134.00
Prasana Samugam 100.00
Selvaraj Sanjeevee 33.00
Lavanadevi Sivam 51.00
Dasa Sivam 180.00
Sivadas Sivarajah 53.00
Guha Skanda 42.00
Womana Skanda 10.00
Robert Sorrells 216.00
Mahesh Srivastava 134.00
Satheesan Sudhakaran 40.00
Surya Ganesha Sundaram 247.00
Ganesammal Supiah 44.39
Maran Thondaya 130.52
Siven Veerasamy 22.23
Shivani Vinayaga 57.46
Subhashini Yalamanchi 1,001.00
Other Contributions 28.14
Total 6,902.74
Hindu Businessmen’s Association
Vel Alahan 300.00
Paramaseeven Canagasaby 23.93
Vel Mahalingum 11.11
Manogaran Mardemootoo 78.64
Vishwanaden Moorooven 14.82
Easvan Param 154.40
Janaka Param 4.00
Vedapragassen Peruman 7.41
Total 594.31
Hindu of the Year Fund
Thamby Kumaran 162.00
Boys School for Iraivan Priesthood
Indra Dhaksinamurthi 30.00
Christian Langers 100.00
Indra Pal 100.00
Bala Sivaceyon 78.60
Total 308.60
Mathavasi Medical Fund
Gowri Nadason 30.00
Vayudeva Varadan 21.00
Matthew Wieczork 60.00
Total 111.00
Tirunavakkarasu Nayanar Gurukulam
V. Mahadev 51.00
Total 51.00
Subramuniya Ashram
Hitesvara Saravan 216.00
Sri Subramuniya Kottam
Andrew Schoenbaum 20.08
Total 20.08
Kumbhalavalai Ganesha Temple Fund
Indra Dhaksinamurthi 30.00
Manoharan Navaratnarajah 50.00
Total 80.00
Sri Siva Subramuniya Swami Devasthanam
Thamby Kumaran 54.00
Hinduism Today Endowment
Alistair McElwee 200.00
Hindu Orphanage Endowment
Paul Yogananda DeSantis 54.00
Lila Shakti Devi 25.00
Starr Barrie-Hull 20.00
Gunasekaran Kandasamy 104.58
Christian Langers 100.00
Alex Ruberto 30.00
Wendy Schuljan 50.00
Matthew Wieczork 120.00
Total 503.58
Loving Ganesha Distribution Fund
Manoharan Navaratnarajah 50.00
Total 50.00
Saiva Dharma Sastras Distribution Fund
Matthew Wieczork 30.00
Saiva Agamas Trust Fund
Matthew Wieczork 30.00
Total 30.00
Alaveddy Pasupatheeshwara Temple Fund
Thamby Kumaran 54.00
Mauritius Spiritual Park
Mauritius community giving 481.39
Mauritius Dharmasala
Mauritius community giving 481.40
Nepal Kumari Goddess Education Fund
Praneel Chandra Gosai 100.00
Richard Stocker 21.00
Niraj Thaker 21.00
Total 142.00
Thank You Gurudeva Fund
Hotranatha Ajaya 108.00
Vel Alahan 108.00
Durvasa Alahan 101.00
Vinaya Alahan 51.00
Anonymous 1,187.06
William R. Atwood 108.00
Maria Cristina Berisso 75.00
Moorghen Caremben 36.67
Amarnath Devarmanai 216.00
Chellappa Deva 25.00
Debra Fry 25.00
Panshula Ganeshan 135.50
Toshadeva Guhan 20.16
Emmaline B. Jordan 102.00
Deva Katir 101.00
Laura Christine Koorenhof 100.00
Shama Kumaran 51.00
Thamby Kumaran 108.00
Christian Langers 200.00
Nageswari Nadarajah 50.49
Manoharan Navaratnarajah 100.00
Jothi Param 51.00
Shanta Devi Periasamy 230.00
Alex Ruberto 30.00
R. Kumar Sankar 50.00
Chudikadevi Saravan 12.40
Soma Sundaram 51.00
Niraj Thaker 11.00
Velauthampillai Vamathaevan 201.00
Vayudeva Varadan 51.00
Indrany Veerasamy 18.33
Indrani Yogendran 164.00
Total 3,878.61
Manitha Neyam Trust Fund
Thamby Kumaran 54.00
Bala Sivaceyon 15.82
Total 69.72
Kerala Temple Trust Fund
Thamby Kumaran 54.00
Total 54.00
Kapaleeshwara Temple Trust Fund
Thamby Kumaran 162.00
Vellore B. Padmavathy 150.00
Vasudevan Jayanthi 200.00
Total 512.00
PIF Trust
Personal Income Fund
Gowri Nadason 10.00
Satya Palani 25.00
Jnanideva Shanmuga 66.00
Barathy Sockanathan 10.00
Total 111.00
Total Contributions
Funds at Market Value February 28, 2001 $44,201.35
Total Endowment Funds $3,299,197.17
Total Pooled Income Funds $176,743.43
Grand Total $3,475,940.60


Hindu Heritage Endowment is a publicly supported, charitable organization recognized as tax exempt by the IRS on April 22, 1994. Employer ID 99-0308924. Founded by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, its philanthropic mission is to provide secure, professionally managed financial support for institutions and religious leaders of all lineages of Sanatana Dharma.


Halbert/Hargrove, Investment Counsel; Sonoda & Isara, LLP, CPA. HHE is a member of the Council on Foundations, an association of more than 2,000 foundations which interprets relevant law and management and investment principles, and of the National Committee on Planned Giving, the voice and professional resource for the gift planning community.

I want to participate. Where should I Send My Donation?

You may send your gift to an existing fund, create a new Endowment or request information through the address below.

Donations may be made online at or use the HHE tear-out card in the HINDUISM TODAY magazine to join our family of benefactors who are Strengthening Hinduism Worldwide. Thank you.

Ladies Home

The Anantha Ladies Home Endowment

Helps provide care for the ladies of this home in Sri Lanka

Alaveddy Temple

The Alaveddy Subramuniya Temple Fund

Helps support this temple in Jaffna, Sri Lanka

Girls Home

The Yogaswami Hindu Girls' Home of Sittandy Endowment

Provides funds for this Sri Lanka girls home


The Udayan Care Endowment

Helps to regenerate the lives of the disadvantaged, particularly children and women

Kautiliya Fund

The Kautiliya Endowment

Provides youth scholarships for monastic or priest training at Kauai Aadheenam

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