Udayan CareNovember - December 2001 NewsletterHindu Heritage Endowment welcomes its newest fund dedicated to helping orphans—Udayan Care of New Delhi, India. Udayan Cares primary mandate is to establish and operate Udayan Ghars—homes for orphaned and abandoned children. All of the three Udayan Ghars established thus far are set in middle class neighborhoods. Each consists of 10-12 children and a permanent staff of dedicated caretakers who provide children a trusting and loving environment and strive to meet their basic psychological and emotional needs. ![]() Kiran Modi , mentor-mother, with girls of Udayan Ghar 1 Udayan caretakers assume the multiple roles of parent, teacher and provider of opportunities for the childrens intellectual and moral growth. They seek to prepare them in every way for successful integration into mainsteam society, including equipping them for a personal career. They see them as maturing into citizens inspired to uplift future children issued from unfortunate situations.
Madhu Gupta , mentor-mother , with boys of Udayan Ghar 2 Udayan Care is dedicated to raising children in loving, kind and peaceful ways wherein corporal punishment is absolutely forbidden, an approach that has been codified in a pledge taken by all Udayan Care team members.
Dolly Anand, Raminder Singh and Teji Anand, three of the five menthor-mothers, with the girls of Udayan Ghar 3. The Pledge reads as follows:I PLEDGE to teach children to care for others and to always search for peaceful and nonviolent ways to solve problems. I recognize that these teachings begin with my own behavior as I try to teach my children appropriate behavior. I PLEDGE never to resort to physically aggressive discipline, including all variations of hitting, slapping, whipping, or pinching. I will not threaten my children with physical aggression. I will not resort to verbal assaults, such as calling children bad, lazy or stupid, as I recognize that derogatory words also cause harm. When I have a problem with my children, I will persistently search for a peaceful and sensible way to solve the problem. I PLEDGE to create opportunities to teach children about kindness, peacefulness, and sensible problem-solving. I will speak up and make thoughtful decisions about violence, bullying, cruelty, or unkindness in interactions between my siblings, caretakers, volunteers, tutors and peers. Udayan Care is HHE Fund #42 .Please give generously to support this worthy institution. One can find additional information on their website at www.udayancare.org Recent Endowment Contributions
MISSION STATEMENTHindu Heritage Endowment is a publicly supported, charitable organization recognized as tax exempt by the IRS on April 22, 1994. Employer ID 99-0308924. Founded by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, its philanthropic mission is to provide secure, professionally managed financial support for institutions and religious leaders of all lineages of Sanatana Dharma. PROFESSIONAL ADVISORSHalbert/Hargrove, Investment Counsel; Sonoda & Isara, LLP, CPA. HHE is a member of the Council on Foundations, an association of more than 2,000 foundations which interprets relevant law and management and investment principles, and of the National Committee on Planned Giving, the voice and professional resource for the gift planning community. I want to participate. Where should I Send My Donation? You may send your gift to an existing fund, create a new Endowment or request information through the address below. Donations may be made online at www.hheonline.org or use the HHE tear-out card in the HINDUISM TODAY magazine to join our family of benefactors who are Strengthening Hinduism Worldwide. Thank you. |
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