Newsletter Archives


April - May - June 2003 Newsletter

Thirunavukarasu Nayanar Gurukulam-orphanage This Hindu orphanage is located in Batticaloa of northeastern Sri Lanka. The orphage is known for its outreach programs to surrounding Hindus. In December, 2002, the Gurukulam organized-along with the World Hindu Organization-a Youth Training Religious Camp. The camp spanned six days with 150 youth attending. In January, 2003, grants totalling Rs. 182,360 went to this uncommonly active orphanage from HHE Fund #12 . Its current balance is $19,918.04.
Children Eating
Children Singing
Children Praying

From upper left : orphans participating in a bhajan ; enjoying blessed food from a satguru puja : worshipping at the mahasamadhi anniversary altar of Gurudeva, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami.

Manitha Neyam Trust Fund

During the year 2002, grants totalling Rs. 62,357 were given to the Manitha Neyam Trust for their project of supporting the Yogar Swamigal Thiruvadi Nilayam in Killinochi. This is a home for the elderly founded in 1997 in northern Sri Lanka. The institution originally housed 59 elderly residents. With the escalation of hostilities at Kaithadi in the Thenmarachy area, more elderly citizens were displaced. Most of those uprooted from Kaithadi were taken into the Yogar Swamigal home, increasing the number of residents to 89. The home needs Rs. 250,000 (US$ 2,700) per month to maintain its present level of services, including medical attention and medicine for the residents. It also requires approximately Rs. 900,000 (US$ 9,700) for urgent repairs. This is HHE fund #47 with a balance of $13,621.17.

In January 2003 three other Sri Lankan institutions received their first grants from smaller endowments: Sri Subramuniya Kottam of Kopay (Rs. 8,245), Kumbhalavalai Ganesha Temple of Alaveddy (Rs. 13,580) and Pasupatheeswara Siva Shrine of Alaveddy (Rs. 5,820).

September to November Endowment Contributions

Kauai Aadheenam Monastic Endowment
Gunasekaran Kandasamy 104.57
Arul Karttikeya 497.02
Mani & Surya Nallasivan 100.00
Nigel Subramaniam Siva 250.00
Sara K. Sivasurier 79.06
Niraj Thaker 54.00
Total 1,084.65
Iraivan Temple Endowment
Marty Fernandes 250.00
Murali Krishnaswamy 250.00
Mani & Surya Nallasivan 100.00
Rudiren Carpenen Pillay 50.00
Sivadas Sivarajah 20.00
Niraj Thaker 54.00
Jeremiah Umakanthan 50.00
Other Contributions 30,000.00
Total 30,774.00
Kauai Aadheenam Annual Archana Fund
Priya Alahan 58.00
Ashish Suresh Chitnis 108.00
Banu Devi Deva 129.00
Ravindra Doorgiat 53.93
Annapoorani Ganesan 212.54
Isanah Kameni 52.60
Gunasekaran Kandasamy 250.00
Egilen Koothan 26.97
Amravadee Kownden 23.57
Ravichandran Krishnan 270.00
Sivakumaran Kurunathan 33.75
Saroja Devi Manickam 14.00
Gunalan Nagarajan 209.14
Gunalan Ponniah 104.58
Chandra Shekharan 224.00
Yatrikadevi Shivam 250.00
Devaladevi Sivaceyon 10.44
Patudeva Sivaceyon 10.44
Potriyan Sivanathan 10.44
Ganesammal Supiah 210.47
K. S. Thamilarasi 178.92
Sudha Vinadharan 161.32
Total 2,631.91
Hinduism Today Distribution Fund
Anita Bhattacharjee 78.00
Stephanie Corgatelli 259.00
Rohit & Bisram Deocharan 99.00
Mary Rose Gallagher 132.00
Bharti Israni 58.00
Tejaswi S. Kompala 936.00
Bina Mehta 756.00
Aaran Mohann 241.50
Govind Nadkarni 1,001.00
Sagar Kanti Patel 1,001.00
Rama Pemmaraju Rao 18.00
Vijaya Ramakrishna 150.00
Syam P. Reddy 126.00
Marilyn Reid 189.00
Dinesh Sadhwani 198.00
Nutanaya Sivaceyon 10.44
Satheesan Sudhakaran 209.00
Total 5,463.45
Hindu Businessmen's Association Trust
Hotranatha Ajaya 1,000.00
Vel Alahan 395.00
Paramaseeven Canagasaby 34.08
Vel Mahalingum 14.13
Manogaran Mardemootoo 47.12
Vishwanaden Moorooven 21.88
Easvan Param 1,148.32
Total 2,660.53
Boys School for Iraivan Priesthood
Bala Sivaceyon 38.64
Total 38.64
Kauai Aadheenam Matavasi Medical Fund
Gowri Nadason 90.00
Vayudeva Varadan 65.00
Matthew Wieczork 95.00
Total 250.00
Tirunavukkarasu Nayanar Gurukulam
Aran Sendan 51.00
Total 51.00
Kauai Aadheenam Renovation Endowment
Mani & Surya Nallasivan 100.00
Total 100.00
Sri Subramuniya Kottam Fund
Andrew Schoenbaum 40.00
Total 40.00
Kumbhalavalai Ganesha Temple Endowment
Manoharan Navaratnarajah 75.00
Total 75.00
Hindu Orphanage Endowment Fund
Anonymous 6.00
Ashish Suresh Chitnis 500.00
Lila Shakti Devi 75.00
Gunasekaran Kandasamy 104.57
Ramakumar & Sailaja Kosuru 40.00
Murali Krishnaswamy 250.00
Christian Langers 150.00
Mani & Surya Nallasivan 200.00
Rama Pemmaraju Rao 18.00
Ganesan & Rajalakshmi Ramalingam 100.00
Alex Ruberto 30.00
Aran Sendan 51.00
Rodney & Ilene Standen 30.00
Matthew Wieczork 140.00
K.D. & A.D. Williams 1,136.36
Total 2,830.93
Loving Ganesha Distribution Fund
Christian Langers 150.00
Manoharan Navaratnarajah 75.00
Gassa Patten 633.83
Sherri Potts & Bruce Ten 20.00
Total 878.83
Saiva Agamas Trust
Matthew Wieczork 60.00
Total 60.00
Thank You Gurudeva Fund
Mahaletchmy Bungaru 130.55
Amarnath Devarmanai 324.00
Kaleinani Larsen 41.00
Nitya Nadesan 108.00
Manoharan Navaratnarajah 150.00
Michael Nolan 25.00
Gassa Patten 318.97
Shanta Devi Periasamy 345.00
Puvaneswary Roberts 500.00
Alex Ruberto 30.00
Sivadas Sivarajah 75.00
Thanaletchmi Umamaheswaran 53.63
Vayudeva Varadan 51.00
Total 2,152.15
Udayan Care Endowment Fund
Christian Langers 150.00
Jutikadevi Sivaraja 108.00
Total 258.00
Saivite Hindu Scriptural Fund for the Visually Impaired
Mani & Surya Nallasivan 500.00
Total 500.00
Sri Chandra Madhab Debnath Endowment
Shyamal Chandra Debnath 100.00
Total 100.00
Manitha Neyam Trust Fund
Bala Sivaceyon 41.76
Total 41.76
Taos Hanuman Fund
Kathleen A. Knight 500.00
Total 500.00
Kapaleeshwara Temple Orphanage
Vasudevan Jayanthi 300.00
Mani & Surya Nallasivan 500.00
Total 800.00
Pazhassi Bala Endowment
Niraj Thaker 15.00
Total 15.00
PIF Trust
Gowri Nadason 30.00
Satya Palani 50.00
Barathy Sockanathan 20.00
Total 100.00
Total Contributions $51,405.85
Funds at Market Value November 30, 2002
Total Endowment Funds $3,198,490.66
Total Pooled Income Funds $185,202.43
Grand Total $3,383,693.09


Hindu Heritage Endowment is a publicly supported, charitable organization recognized as tax exempt by the IRS on April 22, 1994. Employer ID 99-0308924. Founded by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, its philanthropic mission is to provide secure, professionally managed financial support for institutions and religious leaders of all lineages of Sanatana Dharma.


Halbert/Hargrove, Investment Counsel; Sonoda & Isara, LLP, CPA. HHE is a member of the Council on Foundations, an association of more than 2,000 foundations which interprets relevant law and management and investment principles, and of the National Committee on Planned Giving, the voice and professional resource for the gift planning community.

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Donations may be made online at or use the HHE tear-out card in the HINDUISM TODAY magazine to join our family of benefactors who are Strengthening Hinduism Worldwide. Thank you.

Bharatiya Ekta Mandir

Bharatiya Ekta Mandir of Arizona Endowment

Provides funds for the maintenance and improvement of this Arizona temple

Bharathi Ashram

The Bharathi Yoga Dhama Fund

Provide funds for the maintenance of the Bharati Yoga Dhama in Mysore, India

Kautiliya Fund

The Antyodoy Anath Ashram Orphanage Endowment

Provides funds for the care of children in this India orphanage

Ladies Home

The Anantha Ladies Home Endowment

Helps provide care for the ladies of this home in Sri Lanka

Alaveddy Temple

The Alaveddy Subramuniya Temple Fund

Helps support this temple in Jaffna, Sri Lanka

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