Newsletter Archives

Siva Poomi School Trust Fund

October - November - December 2006 Newsletter

Siva Poomi Dr Sunder

The December, 2005, release of the comedy movie "The Ringer" demonstrated how young people with intellectual disabilities can compete at a high level in the Special Olympics. The athletes displayed extraordinary talents in many ways. It was his awareness of the hidden skills of children with learning disabilities that motivated Mr. Aru Thirumurugan, vice president of Skandawarodaya College, to do something for such youth on Sri Lanka's Jaffna peninsula.

While appealing to people running various childrens' homes, he kept hearing how difficult it would be to establish a school for intellectually challenged children. ∂Undetered, Mr. Thirumurugan was encouraged when he visited a school for 600 students with special needs while he was in Singapore giving a religious speech. He was inspired to see the school's large building, five buses and full-time doctor. Fueled with the confidence that a similar school in Jaffna was possible, he shared his vision with interested people and began collecting funds for the project.

Later, a piece of land in Kondavil was given for the school, and the foundation stone was placed in August, 2003. The school was completed as the main project of a trust established under the name Siva Poomi. Today over fifty children with learning disabilities attend the school. Recently, modern equipment designed to give remedial vocational training to the children was donated. The Siva Poomi directors, including Mr. Aru Thirumurugan, president of the trust, drew up plans for a new building to house this equipment.

During a visit to Jaffna, Dr. Shun K. Sunder came to know about the school and took a personal interest in the vocational training center. Dr. Sunder, a long-time supporter of various HHE endowments, took advantage of HHE's ability to give US tax-deductible contributions to foreign charities to send the money needed to complete the center. He also opened an endowment for the school, HHE fund #64, to provide permanent, ongoing support.

Yogaswami Hindu Boys' Home Fund

The tragedy of the December, 2004, tsunami on the eastern coast of Sri Lanka may have faded in the minds of many people, but the plight of those affected is still ever present. Batticaloa was one of the most heavily damaged areas, and many children lost their parents to the waves, including two of the boys in the photo. The three boys on the left are the first residents of the Yogaswami Nalvar Ilam, and more boys are expected to arrive.

Boys Home Dharmalingam

Inspired by Nilufer Clubwala's creation of the Yogaswami Hindu Girls' Home Fund, Dharma-lingam Siddhan initiated the Yogaswami Hindu Boys' Home Fund with HHE, fund #65. Both of the homes will begin receiving annual grants from HHE to help pay for the childrens' food, clothing, education, medical and other expenses. Recently, new bathroom facilities were constructed for the girls' home, and several milk cows were purchased to provide the girls with better nutrition and a group project, all funded by HHE patrons.

April to June Endowment Contributions

Kauai Aadheenam Monastic Endowment
Darmaguhan Satgunasingam US$50.00
Niraj Thaker 35.20
Other Donations 42,787.74
Total 42,872.94
Iraivan Temple Endowment
Anonymous 375.00
Maruthu Pandian Dharmalingam 13.75
Shiven M. Gandhi 50.00
Praneel Chandra Gosai 100.00
Victoria Johnson 21.00
S.V. Ravi Rahavendran 904.00
Gangadhar Shaktiprema 27.50
Susilia Silvam 100.00
Jnana Sivananda 150.00
Niraj Thaker 35.20
Thanavinthan Siva Thirumalai 80.00
Other Donations 28,143.55
Total 30,000.00
Kauai Aadheenam Annual Archana Fund
Hemakheshaa Naatha Batumallah 10.00
Gunavadee Caremben 2.43
Somasundaram Caremben 2.43
Sukanta Caremben 2.43
Ravichandran Ceyon 41.00
Umaiyal Devasegayam Family 73.02
Maruthu Pandian Dharmalingam 130.75
Suguneswary Gunasegaran 56.60
Victoria Johnson 7.00
Kotisvara Jothiswarar 5.00
Amooda Koothan 3.24
Saravan Koothan 3.24
Sakuntalai Krishnan 162.70
Muniamah 30.00
Kirtideva Peruman 6.46
Niroshnee Peruman 9.70
Jiva Shanmuga 100.00
Devaladevi Sivaceyon 7.92
Nutanaya Sivaceyon 7.92
Patudeva Sivaceyon 7.92
Hemavalli Sivalingam 3.31
Kantha Ruben Sivalingam 3.31
Rohini Sivalingam 3.31
Shivaani Sivananda 8.05
Potriyan Sivanathan 8.14
Girish Skanda 39.00
Javanya Skanda 6.13
Subasene Skanda 14.00
Total 755.01
Hinduism Today Lifetime Subscription Fund
Sujeet Akula 80.00
Ved Chaudhary 80.00
Maruthu Pandian Dharmalingam 128.00
Ravindra Doorgiat 64.61
Doris G. Jorden 100.00
Isanah Kameni 13.30
Amravadee Kownden 129.36
Sevanti Kumaran 51.00
Dasan Mahadevan 1,001.00
Adi Sankara Perumal 76.80
Anjeeni Devi Perumal 19.20
Surendar Purohit 101.00
Jacob Russell 240.00
Sothinathan Sabesan 160.00
Nalayini Shanmugarajah 240.00
Urmil Shukla 800.00
Prasad Sunkavalli 800.00
K. Suriyakumar 1,600.00
Meghasyamarao Theertham 53.75
Total 5,738.02
Hindu Businessmenís Association Trust
Manogaran Mardemootoo 32.33
Vishwanaden Moorooven 25.87
Easvan Param 294.45
Janaka Param 23.00
Vedapragassen Peruman 6.47
Total 382.12
Boys School for Iraivan Priesthood
Maruthu Pandian Dharmalingam 27.25
Praneel Chandra Gosai 100.00
Anonymous 5.00
Bala Sivaceyon 31.69
Total 163.94
Kauai Aadheenam Mathavasi Medical Fund
Carmel V. Hawn 891.00
Gowri Nadason 125.58
Niraj Thaker 21.00
Frank Van Waardenburg 75.00
Vayudeva Varadan 72.00
Other Donations 6,300.00
Total 7,484.58
Kauai Aadheenam Renovation Endowment
Anonymous 5.00
Niraj Thaker 21.00
Total 26.00
Sri Subramuniya Kottam Fund
Anonymous 50.00
Total 50.00
Kumbhalavalai Ganesha Temple Endowment
Anonymous 50.00
Manoharan Navaratnarajah 75.00
Total 125.00
Hinduism Today Production Fund
Cyril Assent 10.00
V R Ramakrishnarao 101.00
Urmil Shukla 1,001.00
Total 1,112.00
Hindu Orphanage Endowment Fund
Anonymous 375.00
Anil Ananda Badhwar 28.52
Praneel Chandra Gosai 100.00
Natraj Narayanswami 20.00
Surendar Purohit 251.00
Anonymous 5.00
Alex Ruberto 50.00
Jutikadevi Sivaraja 201.00
Rodney & Ilene Standen 30.00
Niraj Thaker 14.20
Raja Vishnu 10.00
Matthew Wieczork 18.00
Total 1,102.72
Loving Ganesha Distribution Fund
Auslin Mangal Lawrence 340.00
Manoharan Navaratnarajah 75.00
Gassa Patten 802.00
Total 1,217.00
Spiritual Park of Mauritius Endowment
Maruthu Pandian Dharmalingam 13.50
Total 13.50
Positive Discipline Endowment
Roger Brown 40.00
Total 40.00
Tirumular Sannidhi Preservation Fund
Maruthu Pandian Dharmalingam 13.50
Total 13.50
Alaveddy Pasupatheeswarar Temple Fund
Anonymous 50.00
Total 50.00
Hindu Heritage Endowment Administrative Fund
Anonymous 375.00
Total 375.00
Kauai Aadheenam Religious Art and Artifacts Fund
Rajadeva Alahan 153.00
Niraj Thaker 21.00
Total 174.00
Murugan Temple Pillaiayar Shrine Fund
Pathmini Saravanapavan 25.00
Total 25.00
Thank You Bodhinatha Fund
Anonymous 776.00
Marlene Carter 600.00
Amarnath & Latha Devarmanai 324.00
Francesco Gimelli 50.00
Toshadeva Guhan 108.00
Mahalakshmi Gunasegaran 755.00
Manoharan Navaratnarajah 150.00
Shanta Devi Periasamy 345.00
Anonymous 5.00
Alex Ruberto 30.00
Niraj Thaker 35.20
Vayudeva Varadan 72.00
Total 3,250.20
Mathavasi Travel Fund
Niraj Thaker 21.00
Total 21.00
Saivite Hindu Scriptural Fund for the Visually Impaired
Maruthu Pandian Dharmalingam 13.50
Alex Ruberto 30.00
Total 43.50
Manitha Neyam Trust Fund
Richard Ksieniewicz 15.00
Bala Sivaceyon 31.69
Total 46.69
Kerala Temple Trust
Kishore G. & Subha Pathial 1,200.00
Total 1,200.00
Kapaleeshwara Temple Orphanage
Prasad Krishnan 7.50
Richard Ksieniewicz 30.00
Auslin Mangal Lawrence 50.00
Jayanthi Vasudevan Naiker 300.00
Natraj Narayanswami 40.00
Ganesan & Rajalakshmi Ramalingam 75.00
Niraj Thaker 21.00
Total 523.50
Pazhassi Balamandiram Orphanage Fund
Ganesan & Rajalakshmi Ramalingam 75.00
Niraj Thaker 21.00
Total 96.00
Karnataka Temple Development Fund
Hiranya & Saraswathi Gowda 624.33
Naveen & Suma Srinivas 36.00
Total 657.33
Sri Ganesha Hindu Temple of Utah Endowment Fund
Sukesh Parasher 50.00
Total 50.00
Swami Vipulananta Childrenís Home Endowment
Anonymous 50.00
Total 50.00
Hindu Literature Fund
Nigel Subramaniam Siva 700.00
Total 700.00
Hinduism Today Complimentary Subscription Fund
Hiranya & Saraswathi Gowda 51.00
Total 51.00
Himalayan Academy Book Distribution Fund
Surendar Purohit 151.00
Niraj Thaker 35.20
Total 186.20
Kauai Aadheenam Yagam Fund
Victoria Johnson 7.00
Total 7.00
Yogaswami Hindu Girlsí Home of Sittandy Endowment
Anonymous 1,041.00
Lila Shakti Devi 30.00
Maruthu Pandian Dharmalingam 54.50
Dora Kovacs 504.00
Wigneswaran Maharatnam 86.73
Anonymous 5.00
Jutikadevi Sivaraja 602.00
Silas H. Zirkle 375.00
Total 2,698.23
Yogaswami Hindu Boysí Home Fund
Dharmalingam Siddhan 400.00
Total 400.00
Pooled Income Fund Trust
Satya Palani 100.00
Total 100.00
Total Contributions $101,803.98
Funds at Market Value, June 30, 2006
Total Endowment Funds $7,024,026.95
Total Pooled Income Funds $203,436.28
Grand Total US$7,227,463.26


Hindu Heritage Endowment is a publicly supported, charitable organization recognized as tax exempt by the IRS on April 22, 1994. Employer ID 99-0308924. Founded by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, its philanthropic mission is to provide secure, professionally managed financial support for institutions and religious leaders of all lineages of Sanatana Dharma.


Halbert/Hargrove, Investment Counsel; Sonoda & Isara, LLP, CPA. HHE is a member of the Council on Foundations, an association of more than 2,000 foundations which interprets relevant law and management and investment principles, and of the National Committee on Planned Giving, the voice and professional resource for the gift planning community.

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You may send your gift to an existing fund, create a new Endowment or request information through the address below.

Donations may be made online at or use the HHE tear-out card in the HINDUISM TODAY magazine to join our family of benefactors who are Strengthening Hinduism Worldwide. Thank you.

Himalayan Academy Publications

The Himalayan Academy Publications Endowment

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Bharathi Ashram

The Bharathi Yoga Dhama Fund

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Digital Dharma Fund

The Digital Dharma Endowment

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Ladies Home

Cows of Kadavul and Iraivan Temples (Kovil Maadu) Endowment

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Concord Temple

Concord Shiva Murugan Temple (CSMT) Endowment Fund

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