Sponsor a Stone of Iraivan TempleSan Marga Iraivan Temple funds are managed by Hindu Heritage Endowment. Your donation helps build an historic temple. Use this form to sponsor a stone of the temple by making your choice below. You may fulfill your sponsorship all at once, or via a monthly payment plan. If you wish to make a general contribution to the building fund instead, click here.
You may also write a check to Iraivan Temple Fund If you have any difficulty with this form, please email us right away. Thank you. Live in India? Click for info on donating through our Chennai agent. |
Provides funds for the free distribution of printed books and literature of Himalayan Academy
Provide funds for the maintenance of the Bharati Yoga Dhama in Mysore, India
Provides funds for the multitude of digital resources offered by Himalayan Academy
Provides for the care, feeding and medical needs of the cows
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