Yogaswami Hindu Girls' Home of Sittandy Endowment

As of August, 2023, the home has 43 girls. The youngest is age 10. The oldest is 25. The 10 year old is in grade 5, and the oldest is in the university. They are doing very well. View some photos here

View photos of the progress of renovating the roof which was burned in an electrical fire here.

Read news about the Yogaswami Hindu Girls' Home

The funds are intended primarily for tuition classes and educational activities including religious education. In addition the funds can also be used as needed for general support of the activities of the home, including purchase of food, clothing and school supplies. When the grant reaches RS45,000 annually the funds may also be used for building maintenance and new buildings.

Orphan Girls

Vision Statement

The girls of today will be the mothers of tomorrow. Children growing up without parents face great challenges. Let us provide them with an environment where they are nurtured physically, mentally and spiritually. Make a difference in their young lives today and pave the way for a future generation of loving and giving women.

A US$9,000.00 donation to the endowment will support one girl in the orphanage forever. When she grows up and goes out on her own, your donation will support the next little baby girl who takes her place.


Yogaswami Hindu Girls' Home was established in 1999 for the sole purpose of providing a brighter future for girls who had lost their parents due to the ethnic conflict and natural disasters. The administration of this home is handled by a Board of seven members, under the guidance of the Sivathondan Society. The land was donated by the London Orphanage Trust.

Orphans In Front of Yogaswami Picture

Girls in front of a picture of Sivayogaswami.

Initially the hostel was home to 15 girls and was managed with assistance given by the public, in particular by Tamil businessmen of Batticaloa district. Now home to 37 girls, and 1 boy, Yogaswarmi Home still depends upon help from the public since it has not, to date, received any Government funds. Due to the prevailing economic conditions, the home finds it very difficult to make ends meet. The average expenditure for one child is Rs. 100 (US$1) per day, so they need approximately Rs. 4,000 (US$40) per day. Hence for a month they require Rs 120,000 (US$1,200).


The 38 children are cared for by one matron, two cooks, one clerk and a night watchman. Since the home originally housed 15 girls, it is woefully inadequate for 38 children. That said, the hostel is situated on a reasonably large plot of ground, which could support extensions/outhouses.

Study and Sleeping Hall

The present building consists of one large room which doubles up as the girls' study hall and sleeping hall. Off this main room is a small reception hall in which the clerk works, and off this reception room is a storeroom (for food stuffs). To the side of the main room there is one small prayer room, and three equally small rooms which contain the girls few possessions, namely clothes and books. The kitchen is to the rear of the building. The cooking is done on an open hearth. The girls eat on the floor in the kitchen area.


There is one well where the girls bathe and wash their clothes. It is surrounded by a tin wall for privacy. In addition there is one bathroom which the older girls occasionally use. The smaller girls often bathe underneath taps in the garden when the well is too crowded, as it invariably is. There are 4 toilets. However, one has neither water supply nor light fixtures, and one has no light fixtures. Because the home was not designed to accommodate so many girls, the drainage is inadequate and cannot cope with the large amounts of water being used at the well. The dirty water streams into the children's play area where it collects in a stagnant pool.

Orphan Girls


Yogaswami Hindu Girls' Home, Main Street, Sittandy - 30378, Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka

Sittandy, Sri Lanka

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