Endowment Stories
2010 Update: The Mahajana College in Sri Lanka Centennial Celebration
December, 2010

During the peak of the war in the 1990’s, everyone in the Thellipallai village, where the college is located, had to abandon their homes and evacuate the area designated a high security zone. During these years, the Mahajana College operated in a different location temporarily.
A few years ago, the college was able to move back to its original site but the citizens from the village have not yet been allowed to return. The College still functions as one of the leading colleges in Sri Lanka.
In my last visit to Sri Lanka, I visited the College. The College has a small Nataraja temple. The day I visited the temple was shortly after they had completed renovations on the temple and a kumbabishekam was being performed. I felt very blessed to attend the event and meet with the principal and staff.
One of the former students of this college has created a fund in our Hindu Heritage Endowment. Annually the college receives a grant from this fund.
This year around the globe, former students of the Mahajana College are celeberating the one hundred year anniversary of this nobel institution. Mahajana College has student associations in many countries.
These associations are helping the College's development in significant ways. I thank all the former students living all around the world for their continuous support. Herewith, I am enclosing some photos for you to enjoy.
To learn how you can support the Mahajana College Endowment (fund #49) through a will, life insurance or other planned gifts, contact Shanmuganathaswami at 808-822-3012, ext. 244 or e-mail
hhe@hindu.org. Donate to fund #49 at www.hheonline.org