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Fund #83: Pallampulam-Saravani Murugamoorthi Thirukkovil Endowment

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Fund #83: Pallampulam-Saravani Murugamoorthi Thirukkovil Endowment

The purpose of this fund is to provide funds for the maintenance, repairand improvement of the temple, including related supplies and labor; the maintenance andimprovement of the grounds and gardens of the temple, including care of plants, ponds andother water features, paths, fencing and related supplies and labor; utilities; priest salariesand benefits; supplies for pujas and festivals; and temple educational programs and materialssuch as library books and other media. Pallampulam, Saravani - Jaffna, Sri Lanka

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Please direct any questions concerning online contributions, giving through life insurance policies or charitable remainder trusts to: or call 808-822-3012 ext. 6.

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