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Hinduism Today Production Fund Newsletter

Our publisher's vision, part one

Colorful ladies of Assam

“It is among the youth that the current trend of growing interest in Hinduism began. Now, it permeates all age groups—around the globe. As this trend continues to grow, so will the demand for a clear, objective and authoritative voice."

"We thank our generous donors for having greatly invigorated the Hinduism Today Production Fund over the past few years,” shared publisher Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami. "This good step forward has made it possible to produce fine articles more regularly, such as the one on Assam in the current issue.”

As a next increment, he and the staff have set a hefty new goal—to build up the principal so that grants can one day cover all of the magazine’s production costs. “We are currently a long way from that, and we need to work toward it,” explains Satguru.

“The magazine has always been dependent on revenues from advertising, copy sales and subscriptions. But these sources have a habit of drying up whenever there is a drought. We don’t want that for Hinduism Today. We want it to be secure as only the Production Fund can make it, ultimately independent of societal fluctuations, and freed of the eternal search for funds.

“To sustain this level of performance, the fund’s principal needs to grow to $5 million, and the plan is to raise that amount through estate gifts.

"Of course, it will be a long time before these future gifts come into the fund. That is ok. Our goal is simply to establish that, according to our donors’ pledges, the day is definitely coming when the goal is met and Hinduism Today is finally financially secure.

“This is an important project, a very serious project.

“Today, we see more and more Hindus searching for clear, unambiguous knowledge about their faith, and many are looking to Hinduism Today for answers. This is natural because, as far as we know, the magazine is unique in giving friendly, objective coverage to the immense variety of Hindu ways and traditions, and in distinguishing each one from the others, so there is no confusion. This makes a vast Hinduism approachable, understandable and, especially, usable to great advantage.

"It is vital to keep this information flowing. Over the next 50 years, I see the trend toward greater interest in Hinduism continuing to grow, among Hindus everywhere and non-Hindus as well. I see a groundswell of enthusiasm that will parallel the growth of yoga over the past 50 years.

"Hinduism Today needs to be there, fully endowed, fully functional and able to continue its important work.” Cover of July 2017 issue copy of Hinduism Today

 London boy holding Hinduism Today

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