Hindu Heritage Endowment

Helping people
be clear in their beliefs,
know who they are
and what they should do

The Trivedi family

Shailesh trivedi was born in the USA in 1977, and grew up with a rare advantage. His parents lovingly taught him all the Hinduism they knew and, when he was a little tot, they subscribed to Hinduism Today! The magazine was part of the family—a small detail of great consequence, as it happened.

There were times when young Shailesh experienced the inevitable second-generation gloomies. “I knew the basics, attended bhajan and celebrated home puja, but there were gaps,” he explains. “We lived far from any Hindu community and there was too much I did not understand. It all became a big blur. I belonged neither here nor there. I felt disconnected.”

Fortunately, Hinduism Today was always around and, over time, it brought in the clarity he was looking for. “Time and again, I was awed, realizing what a great culture I possessed. And the magazine was always bright, light, humorous, with nothing ponderous anywhere. It was the perfect teacher, and it transformed me. I cannot imagine my life without it.” Shailesh lives in Fallbrook, California, where he owns and operates a flower farm. Recently, he gave $500 to the Hinduism Today Production Fund, which is a part of Hindu Heritage Endowment.

“I find it inspiring to give so they may give more.
  My little gift, through their hands,
  becomes a great big gift to the world.”

“I wanted to help bring to others what has meant so much to me. What a great cause, helping people be clear in their beliefs, know who they are and what they should do! And these treasures, more and more, Hinduism Today gives away free, resources on their website and their digital edition, for example. I find it inspiring to give so they may give more. My little gift, through their hands, becomes a great big gift to the world.”

Please consider donating to the Hinduism Today Production Fund so that your magazine may continue to give, and give and give.